Linda Buckley-Archer

I am a London-based novelist, scriptwriter and journalist.

I write in different genres and for different ages.

Linda Buckley-Archer

The Many Lives of John Stone

Stella Park has found summer work cataloging historical archives in a remote and beautiful house in Suffolk, England. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect, and her uncertainty only increases upon arriving.

The notebooks she’s organizing span centuries – they begin in the court of Louis XIV in Versailles – but are written in the same hand. Something strange is going on for sure, and Spark’s questions are piling up. Who exactly is John Stone? What connection does he have to these notebooks? And more importantly, why did he hire her in the first place?

“I loved this book. The world it conjures up is so vividly imagined, and John Stone, the mysterious man at its heart, so fascinating and compelling. It’s a licence to imagine, and an invitation to consider deeply what we mean by “lifetime.” Original, thought-provoking and moving, it’s a classic in the mould of LOST HORIZON.”

M.L. Stedman
Author of The Light Between Oceans

Linda Buckley-Archer

I’m a London-based writer. I’ve written for newspapers, radio and television, but since 2005 I’ve focused on writing fiction for young adults and teens. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to do what I dreamed of doing from an early age.

I started to write my first novel, Gideon the Cutpurse, to encourage my son to read. I didn’t think anyone else would see it, so had fun with it, reading it to my children every Sunday after supper. If my son looked bored (and he often did!), I knew I’d have to rewrite that chapter. If I got a gasp, or a “Oh, Mum, I can’t believe you did that!” I’d be really pleased. Finishing that story (the writing and, in particular, the re-writing) got me hooked on becoming a novelist – and there’s been no end to the learning curve. 

The Gideon Trilogy

The Time Travelers

The year is 1763. Gideon Seymour, thief and gentleman, is hiding from the villainous Tar Man. Suddenly the sky peels away like fabric, and from the gaping hole fall two curious-looking children.

The Time Thief

An accident with an antigravity machine catapulted Peter Schock and Kate Dyer back to 1763. A bungled rescue attempt leaves Peter stranded in the eighteenth century while a terrifying villain, the Tar Man, takes his place and explodes onto twenty-first-century London.

The Time Quake

Time itself is splintering. If the catastrophic consequences of time travel are now impossible to ignore, Lord Luxon only has eyes for its awesome possibilities. He has his sights set on no lesser prize than America. 

Latest News

18 September, 2020

My audio recording of The Classic Book I’d Like To Re-write is available on the Royal Literary Fund’s website.  
“I can’t imagine that anyone has conveyed the feeling of nostalgia better than Evelyn Waugh in Brideshead; nostalgia for youth and happier times, but also for the great country houses of England.“ 
You can access the recording from the RLF’s website page.
The RLF also have links to more about Linda and her work, and more of her articles and podcasts.

23 June, 2020

My audio recording of Writer’s Block is featured on the Royal Literary Fund’s website.  
“The scariest manifestation of writer’s block comes when writing the first draft. You have to trust that the words will come. You must ignore the devil on your shoulder that insists that they won’t..“ 
You can access the recording from the RLF’s Showcase page.

7 March, 2020

My audio recording of Letter To My Readers is featured on the Royal Literary Fund’s website.  
“How fantastic it would be for the writer to be granted an impossible insider’s view; to hitch a ride on the tailcoat of her words and hear her reader’s synapses crackle.“ 
You can access the recording from the RLF’s Showcase page.

17 August, 2019

My Guardian review of Crossfire by Malorie Blackman.

20 October, 2018

My Guardian review of The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargrave.

25 September, 2018

My audio recording of Life-Changing Literature” is featured on the Royal Literary Fund’s website.  
I was oblivious of any heavy-handed religious symbolism, I simply grew to love Lewis’s alternative world.“ 
You can access the recording from the RLF’s Showcase page, or go directly to my audio recording.

25 May, 2018

I appeared on the ITV News London.

8 May, 2018

As part of their Vox series of audio recordings, The Royal Literary Fund are featuring me talking about “The Best Advice I Ever Received”
“For advice to be of any use, it’s got to be timely. Unless you’re in need of guidance at that juncture you won’t be open to receiving it. Writing tips are ten a penny.”
You can access the recording on the RLF web site.

13 January, 2018

My Guardian review of Sky Song by Abi Elphinstone.

22 July, 2017

My Guardian review of The Lotterys Plus One by Emma Donoghue.

25 September, 2017

As part of their Cinema and the Novel series, The Royal Literary Fund are featuring my article on “Moving Pictures, Moving Words”
You can access the article on the RLF web site here.

14 January, 2017

My Guardian review of Wed Wabbit by Lissa Evans.

7 January, 2017

As part of their Vox series of audio recordings, The Royal Literary Fund are featuring me talking about “Why I Write”
You can access the recording on the RLF web site here.